How To
Extend PSP Runtime Without Buying Another Battery
By Supriadi ,Anyer Long
When the processor power, system specs and hardware feature set of Sony's
debut entry into the handheld gaming market was announced back at E3 2003, the
first question on everybody's mind was, "How long will this sucker last?"
Most PSP user so far have been using the PSP for general use, mixing
formats and trying different features. The test results are obvious. In hard
performance test, the game is played on PSP for 3 hours and 32 minutes.
In PSP WiFi test, PSP was battery dead after 2 hours and 46 minutes. 2.
Play less games, listen more music(if you prefer to)
Different games have different
impact on battery life,Using sleep mode, off-screen as much as you can, Compared to
the standard 1200mah battery, the old fat 1800mah battery is more advantageous.
How a Pandora Battery Works in a PSP
A Pandora battery or a jigkick battery is used for a PlayStation Portable. The
Pandora Battery flashes a serial number that is invalid and sends the PSP into
the service mode.
This then enables the PSP to boot from a memory stick. Play station adepts
use this method to allow installation from custom firmware.
Soft 'Mod'
The conversion of a battery to a Pandora battery by way of software is known as Soft Modification or Soft Mod. Once the battery has been converted to a Pandora battery, the PlayStation can run third party software.
The conversion of a battery to a Pandora battery by way of software is known as Soft Modification or Soft Mod. Once the battery has been converted to a Pandora battery, the PlayStation can run third party software.
Hard 'Mod'
The hard mod involves physically modifying your battery. There are specific programs that help you make Pandora Batteries. All you need is the bare minimum hardware, your computer, a home brew enabled PSP and a standby battery.
The hard mod involves physically modifying your battery. There are specific programs that help you make Pandora Batteries. All you need is the bare minimum hardware, your computer, a home brew enabled PSP and a standby battery.
How the PSP Pandora Battery Can Bring a New
Excitement to Your PSP
By Ray Fitch
The aforementioned games though were television video games and gamers
still called for their handheld similitude's. A few of these handheld games
comprised the Nintendo Gameboy and Nintendo Gameboy Advance and the Sony
Playstation Portable.
Out of all the handheld games available for purchase, the Sony Playstation
Portable (PSP) is arguably the most recognised and demanded. Subsequent to the
numerous failed endeavors, along came the PSP Pandora battery, a device that is
considered capable of making the experience of playing the PSP infinitely more
The Pandora battery would most likely have acquired its title from the
popular Pandora box. You are actually able to use your Pandora battery to flash
your PSP.